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Racism is a system of advantage based on race. It is more than just prejudice,  a preconceived notion about a particular group. Anyone can be a perpetrator of prejudice but racism is systematic and institutionalized. It is prejudice plus power. In the United States and throughout the world, this system has historically marginalized people of color, particularly those of African descent, and benefited those of mostly European descent. 

Racism continues to benefit whites and oppress blacks.

Racism fosters white privilege in politics, economics, education, and everything in between in addition to white supremacy over other groups.


"The African enslavement, imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, fascism, etc., are all dimensions and aspects of Racism (White Supremacy)," Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, MD.

Racism is not synonymous with economic inequality. 

“Owning a home won’t stop someone from burning a cross on the front lawn," Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

Racism is a deeply rooted, global issue. As a result, many are uncomfortablte with addressing it directly. But it deserves its own attention. It is time to end the intergenerational suffering of millions around the world.

Racism is not a black issue. Whites must actively work to challenge racism.

"Unless they are actively antiracist--they will find themselves carried along with the others," Dr. Beverly Daniel

Tatum, Ph.D.


Racism prevents the development of highly functional societies.



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